on the River Walk, Providence, Rhode Island

And they would not be silenced.
Even as unspeakable genocide flared across Europe, even before we called it Holocaust, the story lived. It lived at first in whispers and rumor, in a reality that challenged belief. And then, in the end – after far too many long years of horror and loss – the whole world knew.
Their voices carried on. The voices of the millions who were lost and the millions who survived, inspiring us with their strength, courage and grace. The voices of those who witnessed, who liberated, and those who dared to protect or protest.
Their story is our story. Its truth is timeless and potent and essential. In shadow and in light, it shows us what humanity is capable of. And it reveals the terrible price of silence.
The first voices are fading now. Those who witnessed and survived the Holocaust are passing into the mists of memory. It is more important than ever to preserve their story, to honor their lives, and to ensure that the lessons of the Holocaust are passed down to each new generation.
Never again.